Leigh Zamora


I am a one of a kind human that wants to live my best hundred years here on this earth! Meet Leigh.

Get Started - Lesson 3

Do you fill up your heart and ultimately yourself up with actions that you love to take? Are you clear on what stresses you out? Defining and taking Accountable Action on your HeartFull activities keeps your StressStakes at bay and you purposefully moving forward!

Lesson Material

Prefer Google Docs? Copy the entire workbook here. This lesson can be found on pages 8-9.

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Let’s work together to keep you purposefully moving forward! Book time with me.


What You’ll Learn

  • What are your HeartFull actions?

  • What are your StressStakes?

  • How to take Accountable Actions to keep your HeartFull and your StressStakes at bay!

  • How to keep purposefully moving forward!

  • Connect on:


  • Accountability: Your ability to take personal account; a clear sense of self as defined by you!

    Purposefully: To move forward with purpose; to be deliberate, intentional!

    Define: To determine the meaning of; to set boundaries!

    Clarify: To make clear, visible!

    Enhance: To increase, improve, illuminate, add to!

    Advance: To purposefully move forward!

    Live Freely: To live by one’s own personal definitions of success; to think, act and live without restraint or control of another; liberty!

    Thrive: To grow, prosper, flourish; to vibrantly move ahead!